After two and a half weeks of being on a pseudo vacation in London, I have finally started school. I have to say, despite the craziness of a lot of it, it was
very exciting. I feel like I have been waiting since my senior year in college/my whole life to do this and am so happy that I finally am! It is a big group of students (45-50 or so) and they are from all over the world: from Europe (England, Ireland, Scotland, Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal and France) to eastern Europe (Poland and Russia) to Asia (Japan, China, Korea) to the Americas (Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, and the US).
We got our schedule for the entire year, which is erratic, to say the least, but full of time for art making and travel.
For example, here is our schedule for the first month:

Don't understand what any of it means?! Don't worry, me either. I'm 60% kidding because they have filled us in on some of it, but the other 40% is still a mystery.
The first two weeks are "Inductions" into the various resources that they have. The British are very big on "Health and Safety" and we all have to be schooled in the procedures. Should be a blast but at least it is only an hour or so a day so I can set up my studio. Speaking of studios, the space is interesting (by interesting I mean small) and we, the students, are meeting tomorrow to try and figure out how to best assign spaces and meet peoples needs without much help from the administration. Yipes!
Just in case you forgot what Chelsea looks like...