Friday, November 20, 2009

"pants = underwear (how did we forget this one?)" -Lee

Reckon = think (I reckon this word sounds sort of ridiculous)
On offer = on sale
Cash point = ATM (I even say that now without thinking about it)
Queue = a line
Double 8 = 88 (as in Double 0 7!)
Swap out = to switch on and off.
Diversion = detour
Polo neck = turtle neck
Plaster = band aid.
Bill = check
Antenatal = prenatal
Jumper = sweater
Cinema = movie theater
Compulsory = mandatory
Fringe = bangs
Mine = my place, "come over to mine"
Till = cash register
Bank holiday = national holiday
Public school = private school
Post = mail
Joiners = carpenters

Thanks to Lee and David!


  1. AND a "spanner" is a wrench
    (clearly my study abroad internship involved tools)

  2. public school = private school?! what the what?
