I recently moved in with Lee (who is the co-author of this post), her husband David, and Ellie, who is 15 months old. While Ellie is extremely cute, she is not the best housemate one could ask for.
Some positives and negatives of living with Ellie:
- She throws her food on the floor and expects you to clean it up.
- Watches the WORST shows on TV and cries when you change the channel.
- She goes to bed early but sometimes wakes you up in the middle of the night.
- Drinks all of the milk and never replaces it.
- Respects my privacy but poops her pants in front of me.
- Smiles when I come home but never asks me how my day was.
- Likes my peanut butter cookies but never thanks me for making them.
- Doesn't borrow my clothes or hog the phone line but keeps trying to eat my iphone.
just re-read it. confirmed my suspicions it would be just as funny the second time around. love it!