Monday, February 1, 2010

I want my Mommy.

I had the "uh-oh" moment last night when my nose was running a little more than usual and I kept drinking water to clear my slightly sore throat. So naturally I ODed on vitamins, took nyquil and hoped for the best. My efforts were futile and I woke up with the same ailments. I think this is officially my first sickness in England. Luckily I have some soup in the fridge and my flatmate gave me a Lemsip, sort of like a theraflu but supposedly better (will get back to you on that).

And since my recent progress review left me a bit stranded on the art front and frustrated with my program again, I am happily taking some time to do reading and have a think. Maybe its not so bad that I am sick today. I just need to feel better by tomorrow or at least Friday when I am off to Copenhagen. Oh, and it's raining/snowing and tylenol is called paracetamol, FYI.

Follow up: Sorry for the pity party of one post. I am on the mend in time for my trip and I love Lemsip. It is effective without the drugged out feeling I get from other cold medicines. Also, I wanted to make my self proclaimed famous Peanut Butter cookies for Tamira, my lovely host in Denmark, but I was a little nervous to bake here. Which was silly because they came out fantastic. Now I have to not eat them all before I leave tomorrow...

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