I got a job! Finally, after applying to many over the past couple of months. I am going to be working part-time, which is all my visa allows, at Anthropologie. Of course as soon as I got the job I also got an interview at a school teaching art one day a week, but I think the flexibility of Anthro and the fact that even thinking about teaching a demo lesson on the Great Fire of London stresses me out makes it a good choice for now. I am oddly excited to be trying something new and totally different. I am not allowed to write about it on facebook or blog about it or anything like that so this is it for online sharing when it comes to work.
I am feeling like with a part time job and full time school I am going to be way busier than I have been but at the same time WAY more productive. So, my social life may suffer but maybe in a good, focused way. Here's hoping!
Also, I finally made something that I don't hate. It measures about 1 foot long or 29 cm. Here it is: