I had been hoping that after break things would pick up at school (or just "college" as they say). Looking at the schedule it seemed like a fair assumption, and I am happy to report that I was right! So far. Lectures, a tutorial, and progress reviews (next week). Last week I booked a project space (just a white room you can have for a week and do whatever you want in) and projected my little sound/image piece to get feedback. My tutorial on Tuesday went well. I actually have to start thinking seriously about my thesis soon. In short, I actually feel like a student! A little pressure never hurt anyone (namely, me).
I am not painting for the time being and I took some pictures of my space so you can see how I am working/gathering material at the moment. The first one is stuff from my Paris trip:
Below is research about handwriting and experimenting with representing it. I am actually sending my handwriting and my dad's to a graphologist soon and having it analysed.
I have concluded that art school is hard, harder than any other schooling I have been through on an intellectual level, despite the laid back nature of my program. You are constantly questioning ideas- and not just any ideas- your own, which means doubting yourself, the school, your practice, your sanity. Its exhausting! But also exhilarating and makes me thankful for my friends at school. Speaking of, here are Kayde and Chris (Natalie on the far right) wearing the same shirt, for the second time. Naturally we were in the bar at school. It was the end of the day, honest.
My next post will be about my weekend in Brussels and way more fun that art school talk, I promise!
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