Friday, December 4, 2009

Haptic cows and Turkish food

Yesterday Natalie, her boyfriend, Mark, and I went on a field trip to the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) just north of London to get a tour of Spence's lab and a demonstration on the Haptic cow.

What is a haptic cow? Good question. "The Haptic Cow was developed to help train veterinary students to palpate a cow's reproductive tract, to perform fertility examinations and to diagnose pregnancy," says the Haptic Cow website. We all got a turn, here is Natalie:
After a turn on the cow and tour of Spence's lab, where they study animal locomotion, we had very cheap drinks at the RVC bar and headed to Dalston for some amazing Turkish food.

Yogurtloo sis with chicken- a garlicy, yogurty, buttery sauce. YUM.
Followed by, of course, a nightcap at a bar nearby.

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