It is finally time to move out of the residence halls! It is bittersweet, as most endings are. I had the option of staying through the summer but I would have had to move rooms (don't ask why, no one knows) and would also need to be out by September 1, which happens to be the day my final show opens (AHHHHHHHHH). And really, I'm over the halls. I was about to find a summer sublet when some friends very generously offered their various residences for around 3 weeks each. I will be at Rebecka and Spence's until July 17 (they are going away) and the to stay with Lee, David, and
Ellie until August 11. It makes for a bit of a stressful move with strategic packing, bringing stuff to my studio, storing stuff (with another generous friend), and getting rid of things. But, its almost over! And then I can focus on school school school.
Isis, my friend and now former flatmate :( and I had some wine last night and this was her only cup left:
And for an English summer tradition:
Here is my friend Sophie from college (that is what they call it here) about to drink a very large pitcher of Pimm's. Kidding, we helped her. Pimm's is all the rage in the summer in England, they mix it with "lemonade," which is really like sprite, and lots of cut fruit. English sangria. Brilliant.
More on summer in England to come.