I had three Gluten free meals in the past few days. Two were very traditional English meals that I was excited to be able to enjoy.
To start was high tea with Lee, Ellie, Liza, baby Alex, and Lee's cousin Davina at a little bakery called Bake-a-boo (okay, so the name is not as good as the food) in West Hampstead.
Here is the GF spread. Cucumber and egg salad sandwiches, raspberry and lemon cupcakes, scones (my favorite part), chocolate covered strawberries, and tea, of course.
One year old enjoying her tea:
One month old sleeping through tea:
Next up is my own English style breakfast sandwich that I ate for dinner. Buttered gluten free bread, a fried egg, and Heinz baked beans (I got the reduced sugar and salt variety which was better than the regular I think). Ps that is my mug that was won my first week here at a pub quiz (no thanks to me!).
Lastly, not English, but amazing and unexpected. I played tennis with Rebecka, Spence, and other friends yesterday afternoon and we went to a pizza place where I was unsure what I was going to order. Among the specials was the new gluten free option!! Only £2 extra and so good. Yes, that is an egg in the middle. Yum.