Book club today was a Sunday lunch (my first!) and a baby book club shower for Liza, who is due in February. We all got her kids books- I chose an old favorite, Good Night Moon.
Two exciting things came out of it.
1. I tried Yorkshire pudding for the first time. While the name still makes no sense to me, it was delicious! It's like a popover. Mom, you'll love it. I like Sunday lunch because it has the same idea as an American brunch- lots of food, drinking, and lounging. They don't rush you at restaurants here either (which is usually partly because the service is crappy and slow, but sometimes it works in your favor). The food is also heavier but I'm usually hungry after brunch anyway. Not so much after Sunday roast.
2. I finally took some pictures of Lee, Rebecka, Liza and Glen to show you. I think I posted one at Ikea of Lee and Liza but it was far away.

Rebecka went to Cornell with me and we were friendly then but didn't know each other that well. It has been so great having her and her husband, Spence (see haptic cow post) here and becoming friends. They live not far from me so we get to hang out often.

Liza and Glen- the expecting parents! Is that a phrase? Liza is American and her and Lee met at a nail place in London. Classic. Glen was our token Brit at book club. Don't challenge him to trivia, cause you'll lose. Glen also gives me American magazines like New York and the New Yorker = brilliant.

This is Lee! Lee actually went to Cornell too, but is a year older and I didn't know her. I feel like I have known her forever though.