Friday, December 18, 2009

I'll be home for Christmas (I'm singing this)

I can't even write anything substantial because all I can think about is coming home. I am dreaming of Kiku and yoga and Zico and lots and lots of hugs. I know, I know, but I can't help it at the moment. I am even trying to get a head start with the jet lag and going to bed late and sleeping late. Hopefully traveling will be relatively painless, cross your fingers.

Here are pictures from Mike's last night. The fire was really hot (hence the melting) and amazing and it was snowing that night. What's better? I almost died because they had cider and I got it with a shot of bourbon (Gary, are you ready for our Christmas drink and naps??). However, it was sort of gross cider, but none the less, it was a lovely and cozy night.
Shauna, me, Nick, and Jade. Nick is just here for the semester from Minnesota, Shauna and Jade study fashion. They are all in my hall. Shauna is my new buddy whether she likes it or not.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Don't read The Elegance of the Hedgehog.

Book club today was a Sunday lunch (my first!) and a baby book club shower for Liza, who is due in February. We all got her kids books- I chose an old favorite, Good Night Moon.

Two exciting things came out of it.
1. I tried Yorkshire pudding for the first time. While the name still makes no sense to me, it was delicious! It's like a popover. Mom, you'll love it. I like Sunday lunch because it has the same idea as an American brunch- lots of food, drinking, and lounging. They don't rush you at restaurants here either (which is usually partly because the service is crappy and slow, but sometimes it works in your favor). The food is also heavier but I'm usually hungry after brunch anyway. Not so much after Sunday roast.

2. I finally took some pictures of Lee, Rebecka, Liza and Glen to show you. I think I posted one at Ikea of Lee and Liza but it was far away.

Rebecka went to Cornell with me and we were friendly then but didn't know each other that well. It has been so great having her and her husband, Spence (see haptic cow post) here and becoming friends. They live not far from me so we get to hang out often.
Liza and Glen- the expecting parents! Is that a phrase? Liza is American and her and Lee met at a nail place in London. Classic. Glen was our token Brit at book club. Don't challenge him to trivia, cause you'll lose. Glen also gives me American magazines like New York and the New Yorker = brilliant.
This is Lee! Lee actually went to Cornell too, but is a year older and I didn't know her. I feel like I have known her forever though.

Friday, December 11, 2009

All I want for Christmas is you.

All of my classmates now know that I love Mariah Carey for her one Christmas hit. I sang it non-stop at our party, to the point where my quiet, sweet studio mate ran over and laughed and pointed at me when it came on. Ok well she is quiet and sweet but draws some very graphic pictures in our studio space, so I wasn't that surprised. But, I digress. Back to Christmas parties. Everyone brought some food, including Chinese stewed chicken which literally transported me back to China by smelling it, Jamon from Spain, and Stilton that made the whole studio smell. Kayde and I got some sparkling Shiraz and Cava. Red and white bubbles! (JP- add this to your list!) We even had a tree, art school style. I think the tree may actually be Jude's artwork, not sure (she is on the left).

There were massage trains (of course I had to get in on that) and group photos. I threatened caroling, but after all the Mariah singing it was vetoed.

Why is my mouth always open in pictures? More partying to come. Big weekend planned- Carla's opening, Sleepover with Natalie, Broadway market, Party with Mags, and book club sunday lunch! Oh my.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Haptic cows and Turkish food

Yesterday Natalie, her boyfriend, Mark, and I went on a field trip to the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) just north of London to get a tour of Spence's lab and a demonstration on the Haptic cow.

What is a haptic cow? Good question. "The Haptic Cow was developed to help train veterinary students to palpate a cow's reproductive tract, to perform fertility examinations and to diagnose pregnancy," says the Haptic Cow website. We all got a turn, here is Natalie:
After a turn on the cow and tour of Spence's lab, where they study animal locomotion, we had very cheap drinks at the RVC bar and headed to Dalston for some amazing Turkish food.

Yogurtloo sis with chicken- a garlicy, yogurty, buttery sauce. YUM.
Followed by, of course, a nightcap at a bar nearby.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Spicy tuna heaven.

Finally, some decent sushi!

I can't say that I have tried a lot, but Yo Sushi was unacceptable. I have done a lot of research and was having trouble finding sushi that was supposed to be good but also not cost you a month's paycheck (which I don't have to begin with!).

Thanks to Chris, my friend, classmate and personal London guidebook, I went to Pham Sushi on Whitecross St. It was delicious! And £20 got us a lot of sushi, sashimi, sake, and edamame. Rebecka, Spence, and Liz also enjoyed it (more on them later) and they have all lived here for a while. It is even in walking distance from me. Though I am still hoping that Kiku is open when I get into Brooklyn on the evening of the 21st. If not, Moe's will do.