The above question was asked by my flatmate's friend, Lucy. Lucy is 18. Yes, my flatmates are 18 and 19 years old. I am apparently going to be the house Mum. Lucy also kept saying "I can't believe you are 10 years older than me." Neither can I Lucy, neither can I. But, on the upside, they seem very sweet and so I am trying to embrace the return to my youth. For now. I am going to come home looking and acting like a 19 year old Brit.
In other news, I opened a bank account today, bought some food (I love Marks and Spencer) and a plant. Next on the agenda is unlocking my iPhone so I can hook it up to the 02 network here. Which, I might add, is way cheaper than AT&T and the service is supposed to be better. Most of you know how I feel about AT&T: not good.
Also on my agenda is trying to understand what people are saying.